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I want to help but I'm afraid of repercussions. What can I do?


Your fear is understandable and we respect your hesitancy, however, change can not happen in a vacuum. We need your voice. Political speech is protected by the Constitution and you can not be retaliated against for expressing your opinions on this issue (by your employer or the FAA). 

Your name, contact information, and other demographic data you choose to submit will never be shared with anyone. All data collected are stored securely and used only for the purposes of executing PMHC's mission.

If you choose to submit a testimonial, you may do so under an anonymous name and email address. Emails sent to any email address will be held in the strictest of confidence. Phone records, voicemails and emails are only accessible by two Board of Director level PMHC staff members.

If you wish to communicate via an end-to-end encryption app such as Signal, simply let us know via one of our existing communication channels and we will do our best to accommodate you.

If you have a story you want to tell but are afraid to tell it, we may be able to protect your identity.