Pilot Mental Health Campaign Applauds Introduction of the Aviation Medication Transparency Act of 2024
Congress advances critical medication access legislation to support the aviation community
Washington, DC—The Pilot Mental Health Campaign (PMHC), a national coalition of aviators, air traffic controllers, legal experts, and mental health professionals, celebrated a monumental advancement in the aeromedical policy space today as Representatives Sean Casten (D-IL) and Rudy Yakym (R-IN) introduced the Aviation Medication Transparency Act of 2024.
Since its founding a year ago, PMHC has been pushing the FAA to update outdated mental health protocols that punish aviators for accessing medically appropriate healthcare resources. For many in aviation, being prescribed a medication that might address a common mental health condition could result in a license suspension and significant loss in income. As a result, many aviators simply don’t seek help when they need it.
PMHC has relentlessly lobbied Congress to take the guesswork out of mental health medication access questions by requiring the FAA to clearly list acceptable prescriptions for aviators and clearance timelines for returning to work after receiving care.
If passed, The Aviation Medication Transparency Act of 2024 will require the FAA to maintain a publicly accessible list of approved medications for aviators to use on its website, which would be updated annually after initial implementation. The Act also mandates that the FAA work alongside the Aeromedical Innovation and Modernization Working Group and other stakeholders to compile the initial medication list.
PMHC Executive Director Brian Bomhoff noted, “Aviators shouldn’t be left in the dark when it comes to medication access. Having a clear line of sight on how the medications prescribed by a doctor might impact medical certifications is an important first step towards creating a US aeromedical system that is more responsive to the needs of pilots and their families. Aviation professionals deserve clarity on questions surrounding medication access, and we are grateful to both Rep. Casten and Rep. Yakym for leading the way in Congress with common sense, bi-partisan legislation that pushes the FAA to modernize its mental health access standards."
“Pilots and air traffic controllers deserve to know what medication they are allowed to take and which medications may derail their career,” said Rep. Casten. “The Aviation Medication Transparency Act improves the current system by making public the approved list of medications allowed by the FAA and helps aviators and their doctors make the best choice for their career and their health."
For more information or interview requests, contact:
Megan Simmons, Desimone Consulting Group, [email protected]
About PMHC
The Pilot Mental Health Campaign (PMHC) is the first and only advocacy organization dedicated exclusively to reforming the broken American aeromedical system and building a safe, effective, and modern system that supports the mental health and wellbeing of American pilots. Established by aviators, legal experts, and mental health professionals, PMHC collaborates with industry stakeholders, mental health experts, and policymakers to drive change. For more information, visit www.pmhc.org.